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HTML5 Test - provides a HTML5 score with detail on what can be used.

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In order to know what features are supported by a particular browser, few websites shares the information in detail about HTML5 compatibility with different versions of a browser: Browsers are implementing HTML5 specifications as per their individual plans, thus we have various level of support on different browsers. HTML5 specifications were finalized on 17th December 2012 last year. They were addressed towards better experience for user and easy adoption for developer which would be independant of device and plugins with a graceful fallback mechanism. They discussed and layed out HTML Design Principles. Earlier, WHATWG was working with web forms and applications, and W3C was working with XHTML 2.0. In 2006, WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) & W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) came together to define the new version of HTML. Previous version (HTML 4.01) was released in 1999. HTML5 is the fifth revision and the newest version of the HTML standards. Once the thought of sharing the features in a quick and easy manner hit me, I tried to develop a HTML5 enabled ASP.NET application that would be self sufficient in explaining and showcasing the new HTML5 features - kind of self starter kit to see and play around with the feature implementation straight away post download. While learning about the HTML5, I started developing a demo web application that was fully HTML5 based with all the new major features that we will be discussing in this article going ahead. I started learning more about HTML5 from December last year. Since it was new, talked about and had real good features, I got a jump start from the thought of using it in our upcoming projects and possibly giving a session on HTML5 to my team once I have some good insight on the same.

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